Thursday, July 25, 2013

Story of my LOVE Cat, the Nerd by Jenny!...............

Story of my LOVE Cat, the Nerd by Jenny!...............
Good morning! Peaches is such a nerd!

The morning started off normal enough, with the poor baby being pushed off of Daddy's chest so he could get up and go to work.
When he left, the games began...

And first, she started racing around the house like an idiot. She'd go from one room to another in a peach furry blur. ...........
But once to her new destination, she'd stop suddenly, her ears laid back and tail waving frantically. This went on for about 15 minutes before running headlong into the bedroom door. (I never said she was the sharpest tool in the shed!).......!...!

She sat down and flipped her tail some more. Then she realized that her tail was moving! She swiped at it, but it managed to flip just out of her reach, displaying perfect timing. Her eyes narrowed.
So, the next thing I know, she's having a full-out battle with her tail. Now remember, Peaches is nearly 8 years old and I've never seen her display too much playfulness unless it's with her wig. But this was rather amusing to me. Not to mention that Peaches is no slim chicken. Yes, I said 'slim' rather than 'spring.' We'll just say that over time she's gotten a small belly on her. She's pleasingly plump! (Okay, okay. She's a big fat peachy-cat! It's true!) ...........
And therefore, she never did catch her tail. Her belly kept getting in the way!

Of cause, her ego hurt after I had the audacity to laugh at her, she felt it was time to lay on my lap for some much deserved attention. But however, Peaches feels it necessary to lay with her front paws and head towards my face, with those beautiful paws resting on the top of my stomacher. I guess the baby didn't want her there, because he immediately started kicking rolling around in there. And at first, this was a minor annoyance and after a particularly hard kick, she'd lift her head and glare. Finally, though, she could no longer stand it. I've never seen that look on her face before! Oh, she was just MAD at that darn baby. She hissed and ran under the table, where she could continue glaring in peace. And I KNOW she didn't have any catnip this morning!
Of cause,  don't let diabetes hold you back. Share stories to inspire others.

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