Thursday, July 25, 2013

Becky - Love Teen Domestic Story

Becky - Love Teen Domestic Story
Hello! Since the age of nine I had been in love with this one boy ... Ben. We used to get together and he used to cheat, even at the young age of 11 he broke my heart by cheating on me. At the age of 14 we got back together and at first it was great: he was loving and kind. I lost my virginity to him at a young age even though he was 3 years older.
However after about a year he became possessive, he wouldn't let me go out without him, he was constantly by my side, and always wanted to know who I was with and what I was doing even at school. If he ever found out a boy had been near me he would instantly think the worst and beat them up.

And I became tired of all this and I admit I was no angel throughout our relationship.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was petrified of him. And I took beatings off my boyfriend at the age of 14, he would kick me on the floor, punch me in the face, he even broke my fingers. But yet I stuck up for him after each one thinking he would change, but he never did. But after two and a half years of our relationship he started taking d-ru-gs then he threatened to kill me and that was it, I believed he would and decided to end it for good...................)))))))
It has now been 8 months since we have been finished but the ordeal still goes on ...
Oh, at first I had prank phone calls, that escalated to him coming to my house with slit wrists and saying he had cancer, that then went to him beating up a new boyfriend which ended the new relationship.
And from there I have had him scratching my siste'rs car, breaking into my garden, hiding in my street and giving my mom and myself verbal ab-use on numerous occasions as well as the constant phone calls. Every Saturday something new happens which breaks me down further.
Of cause,  we have called the police but nothing has ever been done and he is now saying he suffers for a psychological disorder and hears voices which tell him he should kill me and all my family.

He is pulling my life to pieces and I do believe one day when he gets hold of me, he will kill me. But for now my advice is to all the people out there who have been treated wrong even if it was just the once don't stand for it. Oh,,,
It doesn't stop and won't get better, please even if it's not what you want, break away from the man and be strong.
I am still 17 years old but I know I have learned the biggest lesson in my life and I know from this boy I will not be taking any hassle of any boy again. Please follow in my tracks and stand up for yourself. Even if it doesn't get better after time stay strong, these 8 months may have been the worst in my life but it is worth it because if I never stayed strong I would have been beaten up for the rest of my life……………………….!

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