Thursday, July 25, 2013

My love Joey(Cat) and the bacon & other story animals

My love Joey(Cat) and the bacon.
Good morning people! It was early evening in the winter so just dark, and I placed three pieces of bacon in the frying pan, as it sizzled I turned to work at the kitchen sink for a moment, and then returned to the frying pan to check the bacon… only two rashers there! 
And I looked at the pack of bacon on the side and counted how many rashers were left, just checking I had placed three in the frying pan (although I knew I had) and my bacon rasher calculations told me exactly what I knew already. ‘Right whose nicked the bacon’ I shout, looking for cats. But my son who was only 7 at the time, was laughing his head off.  He could really see the funny side of the possibly of a cat swiping the bacon from the pan the very instant I turned my back for a split second!  Of cause,  I am laughing as I am saying ‘well surely one of the cats didn’t take it, they would have had to touch a scorching hot pan of oil’.  ‘Sure you had 3 rashers in there?’ asks my partner, ‘yes absolutely sure’ I reply. Oh, Fudge wonders into the kitchen, and she really doesn’t look like the guilty party.  ‘Where’s that Joey Cat?’ I say to my son with a curious grin. I push open the cat flap and there is the answer to the bacon rasher mystery!

 So, Joey cat sitting on the patio, in the dark, munching his was through OUR dinner!!!..............................

Alex(Cat) the fish.
Hey! Each night when we feed our very small collection of tropical fish, Alex wonders over and perches himself on the edge of the television unit, looking at the fish. And he has a little fidget and looks on with great anticipation.  )))))
But we then have to say to Alex ‘What Alex, are you a fish’ and he will give a big meow and we say ‘yes, you are a fish aren’t you Alex’! and with that he has one tiny flake of fish food!  Of cause,  this habit of his formed when he was really quite small and showing much interest in the fish and then going crazy as he caught a smell of the fishes food. We let him taste a tiny piece to see if he liked it, which he did, and from that moment on, he has sat every night at fish feeding time, convincing us that he is indeed a fish!!!^^)))))

Alex(Cat) is pleased to meet you.
Hello! Alex shakes hands! I taught him this from when he was a little kitten, he will only do it when he is sitting up nice and straight, and I will look at him, offer out my hand and say ‘Alex shake hands’ and he will lift his paw and let me shake his hand!!!!!!........
Bruce(Cat) and breakfast^)

Every morning I get out of bed and make my way to the toilet, Bruce is always outside of my bedroom door, and follows me into the toilet where he brushes up against my feet and ankles whilst talking to me. And he then follows me downstairs, talking to me all the way, and into the kitchen.  But once in the kitchen I will say to him, ’What do you want Brucey, show me’ and he sits directly in front the cats food cupboard, raises his paw and uses his paw to point to exactly where his food is!  I say ’good boy Bruce, you are a clever boy’ as I open the cupboard and give all four cats their breakfast! And if I am late rising, Bruce will meow outside of my bedroom door, telling me it is time I was up, breakfast is late!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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