Thursday, July 25, 2013

Becky - Love Teen Domestic Story

Becky - Love Teen Domestic Story
Hello! Since the age of nine I had been in love with this one boy ... Ben. We used to get together and he used to cheat, even at the young age of 11 he broke my heart by cheating on me. At the age of 14 we got back together and at first it was great: he was loving and kind. I lost my virginity to him at a young age even though he was 3 years older.
However after about a year he became possessive, he wouldn't let me go out without him, he was constantly by my side, and always wanted to know who I was with and what I was doing even at school. If he ever found out a boy had been near me he would instantly think the worst and beat them up.

And I became tired of all this and I admit I was no angel throughout our relationship.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was petrified of him. And I took beatings off my boyfriend at the age of 14, he would kick me on the floor, punch me in the face, he even broke my fingers. But yet I stuck up for him after each one thinking he would change, but he never did. But after two and a half years of our relationship he started taking d-ru-gs then he threatened to kill me and that was it, I believed he would and decided to end it for good...................)))))))
It has now been 8 months since we have been finished but the ordeal still goes on ...
Oh, at first I had prank phone calls, that escalated to him coming to my house with slit wrists and saying he had cancer, that then went to him beating up a new boyfriend which ended the new relationship.
And from there I have had him scratching my siste'rs car, breaking into my garden, hiding in my street and giving my mom and myself verbal ab-use on numerous occasions as well as the constant phone calls. Every Saturday something new happens which breaks me down further.
Of cause,  we have called the police but nothing has ever been done and he is now saying he suffers for a psychological disorder and hears voices which tell him he should kill me and all my family.

He is pulling my life to pieces and I do believe one day when he gets hold of me, he will kill me. But for now my advice is to all the people out there who have been treated wrong even if it was just the once don't stand for it. Oh,,,
It doesn't stop and won't get better, please even if it's not what you want, break away from the man and be strong.
I am still 17 years old but I know I have learned the biggest lesson in my life and I know from this boy I will not be taking any hassle of any boy again. Please follow in my tracks and stand up for yourself. Even if it doesn't get better after time stay strong, these 8 months may have been the worst in my life but it is worth it because if I never stayed strong I would have been beaten up for the rest of my life……………………….!

Love Fudge and Joey(Cat) and falling Birds.

Fudge and Joey(Cat) and falling Birds.
Hey! A blue tit bird decided that a ‘hole’ in the back wall of my house would be a good place to nest and hatch it’s babies!  Yes we had a nest of squeaking baby birds in the wall above my back door, and two very interested cats sitting below! Oh, Fudge and Joey, both cats fixated! Much to my horror a baby bird fell out of the nest and landed on my patio!!!!!!!  In an instant I was yelling to my family ‘get the cats, a bird has fallen’ and all hands arrived on deck! Oh……
And Fudge & Joey got scooped up by my daughters and shut indoors, and I picked up the tiny baby bird, which as yet did not even have a feather on it and examined it to see if it had survived the fall.  My partner got his ladder out and placed the fallen baby bird back in its nest. 
But I am now thinking, if one fell another could fall and I couldn’t let the cats kill the baby birds, and nor could I just watch the baby birds come crashing to their death! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


Of cause, there was nothing else for it I had to stay on baby bird and cat watch! Each time I saw a baby bird near the edge of the nest I grabbed a tea cloth and a family member, and we held the four corners of the tea cloth directly under the nest to catch the baby birds if they fell and fall they did…frequently!Oh…… Each time we caught a baby blue tit on a tea towel, my partner would then climb the ladder and return it to safety, much to the disapproval of Fudge and Joey, who kept seeing a dinner delight snatched from them! And all of the family would be in hysterical laughter. The entire set up was quite simply mad. 
Keep the cats from the baby blue tits, and keep the baby blue tits alive! I would sit in the back garden keeping watch, then suddenly have to raise the alarm to get one of my children to grab the other two corners of the tea towel in preparation for yet another baby bird rescue!  And I phoned and asked them if they could come and re-site the birds nest for me, explaining to them the situation and that I feared the baby birds will die. But they said that nothing could be done, and that this happens all the time in the wild, it’s just that we don’t see them fall!
BUT because I could see them fall, I wasn’t just going to leave them!!! Oh, when it was necessary to go out or shut up house for the night, I kept Fudge and Joey shut indoors, locking the cat flap, and using a temporary litter tray for them, and laid a pillow directly under the baby birds nest, so they had a soft landing if they fell!!!

Of cause,  Joey would be happy to stay indoors at night, but any time during the day when it was necessary for the house to be empty, those periods of time had to be kept very short as Joey becomes extremely frustrated if he cannot get out when he wants to. So 99.9% of the time, someone stayed home all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, we continued like this for approximately 4 weeks until the baby blue tit birds started to fly… this posed worse problems, because then when their flying failed them, we couldn’t catch them!  & I like to think that all the baby birds did survive and my ‘falling bird team’ were 100% successful!..........

My love Joey(Cat) and the bacon & other story animals

My love Joey(Cat) and the bacon.
Good morning people! It was early evening in the winter so just dark, and I placed three pieces of bacon in the frying pan, as it sizzled I turned to work at the kitchen sink for a moment, and then returned to the frying pan to check the bacon… only two rashers there! 
And I looked at the pack of bacon on the side and counted how many rashers were left, just checking I had placed three in the frying pan (although I knew I had) and my bacon rasher calculations told me exactly what I knew already. ‘Right whose nicked the bacon’ I shout, looking for cats. But my son who was only 7 at the time, was laughing his head off.  He could really see the funny side of the possibly of a cat swiping the bacon from the pan the very instant I turned my back for a split second!  Of cause,  I am laughing as I am saying ‘well surely one of the cats didn’t take it, they would have had to touch a scorching hot pan of oil’.  ‘Sure you had 3 rashers in there?’ asks my partner, ‘yes absolutely sure’ I reply. Oh, Fudge wonders into the kitchen, and she really doesn’t look like the guilty party.  ‘Where’s that Joey Cat?’ I say to my son with a curious grin. I push open the cat flap and there is the answer to the bacon rasher mystery!

 So, Joey cat sitting on the patio, in the dark, munching his was through OUR dinner!!!..............................

Alex(Cat) the fish.
Hey! Each night when we feed our very small collection of tropical fish, Alex wonders over and perches himself on the edge of the television unit, looking at the fish. And he has a little fidget and looks on with great anticipation.  )))))
But we then have to say to Alex ‘What Alex, are you a fish’ and he will give a big meow and we say ‘yes, you are a fish aren’t you Alex’! and with that he has one tiny flake of fish food!  Of cause,  this habit of his formed when he was really quite small and showing much interest in the fish and then going crazy as he caught a smell of the fishes food. We let him taste a tiny piece to see if he liked it, which he did, and from that moment on, he has sat every night at fish feeding time, convincing us that he is indeed a fish!!!^^)))))

Alex(Cat) is pleased to meet you.
Hello! Alex shakes hands! I taught him this from when he was a little kitten, he will only do it when he is sitting up nice and straight, and I will look at him, offer out my hand and say ‘Alex shake hands’ and he will lift his paw and let me shake his hand!!!!!!........
Bruce(Cat) and breakfast^)

Every morning I get out of bed and make my way to the toilet, Bruce is always outside of my bedroom door, and follows me into the toilet where he brushes up against my feet and ankles whilst talking to me. And he then follows me downstairs, talking to me all the way, and into the kitchen.  But once in the kitchen I will say to him, ’What do you want Brucey, show me’ and he sits directly in front the cats food cupboard, raises his paw and uses his paw to point to exactly where his food is!  I say ’good boy Bruce, you are a clever boy’ as I open the cupboard and give all four cats their breakfast! And if I am late rising, Bruce will meow outside of my bedroom door, telling me it is time I was up, breakfast is late!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

My own first love!

Good day! My own first love!Oh..
 It was such a rollercoaster ride, and I always wondered if other people had similar experiences. Of cause, my first relationship made me completely love struck, delirious and heartbroken… Oh..But I was sure I couldn’t have been the only one that was hit so hard.

And this curiosity grew and grew until I decided to start emailing people out of the blue to see if they had these feelings, and moreover, if they could express them in a creative way. For a while I thought people might think I was a bit nuts, but I think others are just as nosy as me and willing to submit their stories as well as read pages and pages of other submissions. Oh..

And I’ve found it to be such a universal theme, and I think it has the ability to connect people through a shared, but always unique experience. It wasn’t really intended this way (perhaps subconsciously) but the project has been quite therapeutic after the traumas of my own first love, and I hope other people feel the same way too…. It’s nice to know we’ve all been through it to some extent.
Tell us about your first love….

Oh…very…It’s funny isn’t it, that I spend all this time asking people about their first loves but am always a bit reluctant to talk about my own! It’s a very personal thing and I admire each of my contributors who are brave enough to share their stories. Oh..
Of cause, my first love was rocky and heart wrenching but it was also the most beautiful experience of my life. I feel like I went through every possible emotion, and it really did shape who I am today in many ways. And despite all these ups and downs, I’m back with my first love after some time apart. He helped me design the layout of my website and has been very lovely and supportive of the project. Oh..Bye!

This is a bit no long sorry- ‘The love of my life’- The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

This is a bit no long sorry- ‘The love of my life’
I and Tom have been together for about a year and a half. From day one we were inseparable and crazy in love. Of cause, we became best friend’s swell as lovers and things were good.
Then I started getting depressed again (has been ongoing in my life) and he came to the rescue. Tried absolutely everything. I was so depressed and in my opinion self centered that I didn't notice that he was only doing certain things because he loved me so much...................
 He started spending ALL his time with me and saying things he didn't mean only to (in a way) keep me alive. The same thing happened in a previous long term relationship and it ended with my ex saying he didn't want me as a responsibility anymore.............
My depression got so bad that if he was away from me for a night I'd be crying constantly and scared of being on my own. We were constantly together................
My depression and he being there for me triggered a control issue. I felt (and still feel) the need to control everything. To know everything. To be the main person in his life. It sounds crazy I know. I'm really ashamed of the way I am (which doesn't help my depression). Anyways after hundreds of arguments and break ups we were still crazy about each other, only I was completely dependant on him, a shadow of myself. We broke up and he gave me another chance when i got kicked out of my mum's house and a month later I got pregnant. We decided to keep it and now I am 33 weeks pregnant.
Before I got pregnant we spent all our time smoking and drinking and sitting in my room playing videogames. We were both unemployed college dropouts. Now he has a great job, we're due to move into our own flat this week, he looks after me, cooks and cleans when i'm not feeling great, and never goes out anymore.
The love of my life……….

I feel like I've ruined his life. I feel like he's only with me cause of our baby and this ruins my self esteem so much. Not to mention my weight and change in how i look. Only now I'm too scared to tell him how I feel half the time because of how the last year has panned out. We've had really bad arguments where we nearly hit each other and we tell each other we hate each other and wish we never met each other. Oh…Only the next day we're absolutely fine? More than fine, we make love and cuddle and talk cute to each other. It's really random...
Hey, should I ease up on him? And do I seem that bad? But I know it's not an ideal situation and i'm not always fair. Should I let him do whatever he wants because he's trying so hard to be a good dad/boyfriend?
I'm not sure what to do because one minute he hates me one minute he loves me sometimes I just wane run away and disappear for his sake. I’ve nearly done it so many times.
Tell us about your first love….

Morgan- my LOVE

Good days!  I am well known in this small town, seeing how it revolves around football and farming, and I am the starting quarterback and my father owns the biggest farm here. But, I am not only known for my football skills, I am also known for being the guy who breaks hearts and never falls in love. Of cause, or a while I believed that was true about myself, I was aware that I could get any girl I wanted to do what I wanted and I took full advantage of that. But, this summer was different, all because of one girl named M.
Morgan wasn’t new to the town, and she was quite beautiful, but for a reason I do not know I never tried to hook up with her. I only knew her indirectly at the start of the summer because I was in “relationship” with her best friend. Oh…At my annual end of school party where everyone was invited I was surprised to see M. there. …She looked so beautiful; she had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a short, small body. I decided to go and talk with her hoping to hook up with her but, from that moment on I was hooked…… There was something about her that I loved right away. I didn’t want to just hook up with her and move on but I actually wanted her as my girlfriend.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the party we were able to talk as if we were old friends. But, I didn’t want to be just friends. As the summer went on we hung out quite a bit. One night at a bonfire I noticed something was wrong with her. When I confronted her she pushed me away as if she was mad at me. I didn’t understand. As the bonfire party died down, due to everyone passed out from all the drinking, I just sat there watching the fire crackle, and in the distance the sun was rising.

She sat next to me and grabbed my hand. My heart was racing! I never got that feeling from someone holding my hand. I asked her what was wrong before, and she asked me if I even liked her. I replied, “No, I love you…….!” And right there and then I leaned in and kissed her. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As our lips met I knew that this girl was the one for me. Of cause, after the kiss I just watched the fire die down with her head on my shoulder as she fell asleep.
The next day we weren’t planning on seeing each other until later in the day because I had to work, and I also had football practice…...

We were planning to meet at one of the last parties of the summer. I arrived earlier then her at the party, and before the party was fully going some guys were getting out of hand. One in particular, was trying to start fights, and he was becoming pretty grabby towards the girls, so I kicked him out and told him to go home.
 I wasn’t thinking about him driving home drunk I was just thinking I wanted him to get out….
. As the party progressed into the morning, I was worried about Morgan…. She never showed up. …..
Not wanting to just send a simple text, I decided I was going to surprise her at her home…. When I pulled into her driveway I noticed her car wasn’t there, but I decided to knock and see if she was home anyways… The second her mom answered the door with tears in her eyes, my heart stopped… Her mom started to cry harder, but she managed to spit out that Morgan’ was struck… by a drunk driver last night, ……..and she was killed instantly….. I couldn’t believe what I heard…... I ran back to my truck and drove to where her mom said the accident was. The police were still there, clearing the road of the two wrecked vehicles….. I never screamed so loud in my life. I just kept screaming NO NO NO NO NO! I didn’t want to believe that my girlfriend was dead because of the guy I sent away………

The first love of my life was ripped away from me because I wasn’t thinking that the drunk I sent home had to drive home………. If I would have just used my brain, or I would have picked Morgan up instead of letting her drive alone, maybe just maybe my girlfriend would still be alive………. My senior year was supposed to be the best with my girl at my side……….. But, after the wreck I could barely face anyone. It was my fault in ever way…………

Svetlana’s story love

~Svetlana’s story love~
Hey! I have met the most lovely man on your site, we both live near Barcelona and are so pleased we joined.
Svetlana was 14 when she first met her a-b-u-s-er, at a family party. He said he was 19 – but it turned out that he was 33, with a criminal record.
"It seemed so innocent at first", Svetlana says
Of cause, the guy took her to the cinema, bought her thoughtful presents and paid her the attention she had never experienced…
"But then he started to change. He got more aggressive and bad things started happening. He’d hit me, but the next day say he was sorry. I’d always forgive him. He started taking me to parties, he’d give me drink and we’d stay out all night…..

"The parties got worse and so did the way he treated me. At first I’d fight back, but it was really hard. Then one night at a party, he took me and some friends upstairs. He made me do things that I didn’t want to do. I was frightened." she says…….
At first Svetlana had told her mother that she was staying over with friends. She regularly got grounded, but would then run away to be with her 'boyfriend'.
Her relationship with her mother was deteriorating rapidly and she had started to go missing for days on end.
But Svetlana’s regular episodes of running away hadn’t gone unnoticed. Her mother had reported the incidents to the police and they became concerned at her relationship with the older man. Oh…

And we have now been together for almost two years, we are living together and we are extremely happy together.
When I went through my marriage break-up, I was hoping my true soul mate was out there somewhere and the love I believed in was possible. I am very happy!

We have been together only a few months and live more than 40 miles apart but are incredibly happy and have discovered shared interests, values and attitudes. He is a lovely, generous man and I consider myself very lucky to have found him after 10 years of looking. No, we are not youngsters - I am 67 and he is 68 - but we feel like a couple of teenagers in our delight in each other. But so never give up looking for your soul mate….. - it can happen!
17th September 2011

How to attract beautiful, high quality women:)

How to attract beautiful, high quality women. !!!!!
Here are the 3 most powerful ways
So you’ve gathered up the courage to walk up to a beautiful woman and have successfully opened her- then what do you do ?

Well what do most men do?
Ready? They bore her. How ? They immediately start to seek rapport with her, by asking her a barrage of boring personal questions like “where are you from?” or “do you have a boyfriend?” or “What is your name?”.
Other men talk about how much money they make, what kind of cars they drive or how big their mansions are, as if she actually cares especially when she has made no emotional investment into the interaction.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally other men will continue to over-complement her and tell her how beautiful she is, how gorgeous she is and how badly they want to take her out and be with her, thinking that it will magically make her feel a bond and connection with them.
Not quite big daddy!
Remember, in any given interaction between two people:
The one who is attempting to seek rapport with the other to get the other to like them is of lower value and as we should know by now, women are not attracted to low value behavior!
Think about it! Go back to when you were in high school- Didn’t the uncool kids(didn’t get any girls) always try to befriend and seek rapport with the cool kids(had a different girl each day of the week) with the intent of becoming a part of their social circle? Similarly, in the area of inte communication or dating, the one who is trying to seek rapport is an uncool kid. In other words, is someone of lower social value.
Now I want to make an important point. It is okay to seek rapport with a woman by asking her personal questions, unveiling personal information about yourself and even telling her how you feel about her. In fact a woman expects this from us- however at a later stage in the seduction process but not as soon as we initiate an interaction with her.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. You can playfully, tease or mock a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. As I have often stated, when you playfully mock or tease a woman, especially a woman of exceptional beauty and quality you will put a hole in her self-esteem and as such will create a challenge for her to want to win you over so that she can ultimately redeem it
Remember such women are never challenged or disqualified in such a way but constantly worshiped and adored undeservingly by the majority of loser, beta males out there. This is why challenging a woman or disqualifying her like this is a very powerful way to attract her.
However, here is what you need to be careful of:when you use this powerful technique to attract a woman that others don’t tell you!

A) When you tease a woman , you have to do it with a playful, tongue-n’-cheek attitude and not in a mean manner
For instance
Wrong way: “Hey are you dumb or something?”
Right way-”Are you sure your not a natural blonde underneath that brunette hair color(wink)”? essentially implying that she is ditsy and dumb.
Another example to contrast the Right and Wrong way to tease a woman
Wrong way: “You’re too ugly to be my type”.
Right way: “You know I gotta tell you, you are beautiful . Its just a shame that I am not into blondes…damn!”

My love story, When I kissed

My love story & When I kissed...!!!
Our story begins when my family moved to northern Virginia from Nebraska near the end of my sixth grade year. My wife and I remember seeing each other at school but really didn’t interact at all as far as either of us recalls. Despite this fact she still gives me grief for not asking her to dance at the sixth grade end-of-year dance. !!!!
We briefly shared a middle school class until my schedule was re-arranged, but we didn’t actually spend any significant time together until high school. We were both part of a dynamic Christian youth bible study group, despite the fact that we were from different churches. It was a privilege to share these early years in the foundations of our faith walk.
Our familiarity and friendship grew over time until I finally bolstered myself and asked her out our junior year. Nothing doing. She gave me the classic “let’s just be friends” line, and it crushed me. She was determined to make good on her pledge of friendship, and so we did continue to hang out together. As our friendship grew, so did her romantic interests in me. After discouraging my intentions to date her best friend, we finally had our first real date to Pizza Hut in January of our high school senior year. .............................
When I kissed her goodnight after that first date, it was nothing short of magic, and I knew what we had was something amazing. I was right.
We started at the same college, and our relationship continued to grow, even when I left to pursue an electrical engineering degree at a school about an hour away. I knew for a long time that Jenni was the one for me, but marriage prior to college graduation was a non-starter for both of our families. So we spent weekends together as often as possible, enduring the teasing of my roommates for having Jenni spend the night on the living room couch of our apartment. They couldn’t imagine that anyone would actually wait until they were married to have sex. Somehow we managed it, though it was by no means easy.
The time finally came when, as a broke college student, I scraped together money for a paltry engagement ring and eagerly popped the question during the Thanksgiving break of our senior year. She accepted my proposal without hesitation and we were married a week after I graduated from Virginia Tech.
I opted for graduate school instead the workplace, and after a two week honeymoon we packed up our lives and wedding gifts and moved to Atlanta. Living in small one-bedroom apartment, we made ends meet thanks to a generous stipend and research assistantship from Ga. Tech and Jenni working three part-time jobs: teaching preschool, a secretarial job and weekend rental office agent at our apartment complex.
We remember those early years mostly as a wondrous adventure, getting to know each other more intimately and working through what exactly it means to be joined as one-flesh. From that time to this, the adventure continues. We’ve grown a lot in our understanding of how to live our marriage as God intended it to be.
We don’t have a “great marriage crisis” story to tell. Although there certainly have been periods of struggle and difficulty, we’ve never been on the brink of divorce or suffered the carnage of infidelity. We’ve worked hard at making our marriage good, but I have to say it has been a pleasure to be married to my wife. She is an incredible gift from God and a great blessing to my life.
The honest truth is that we are more deeply in love now than we have ever been. And isn’t that how it should be?

A lot of men make the mistake of talking about how much money they make, what kind of cars they drive or how big their mansions are. Are you guilty of this as well? Well ask yourself, why would a woman care about these things especially when she hasn’t made any sort of emotional investment into you? Secondly, you should know by now that you don’t need to exhibit financial status or material status to attract a woman, but simply genetic status in the social hierarchy.

What this means for us is that when we are engaged in conversation with a woman, we should avoid talking about boring, logical and factual things, but should instead talk about things that will engage her senses and emotions. For instance, share your knowledge of wine, show her a cool hand massage technique, demonstrate your knowledge of ESP, of exotic traveling destinations, Tantric massage, palm reading, Egyptian culture, Islam, Martial Arts, hand analysis, conspiracy theory, etc.................

Story of my LOVE Cat, the Nerd by Jenny!...............

Story of my LOVE Cat, the Nerd by Jenny!...............
Good morning! Peaches is such a nerd!

The morning started off normal enough, with the poor baby being pushed off of Daddy's chest so he could get up and go to work.
When he left, the games began...

And first, she started racing around the house like an idiot. She'd go from one room to another in a peach furry blur. ...........
But once to her new destination, she'd stop suddenly, her ears laid back and tail waving frantically. This went on for about 15 minutes before running headlong into the bedroom door. (I never said she was the sharpest tool in the shed!).......!...!

She sat down and flipped her tail some more. Then she realized that her tail was moving! She swiped at it, but it managed to flip just out of her reach, displaying perfect timing. Her eyes narrowed.
So, the next thing I know, she's having a full-out battle with her tail. Now remember, Peaches is nearly 8 years old and I've never seen her display too much playfulness unless it's with her wig. But this was rather amusing to me. Not to mention that Peaches is no slim chicken. Yes, I said 'slim' rather than 'spring.' We'll just say that over time she's gotten a small belly on her. She's pleasingly plump! (Okay, okay. She's a big fat peachy-cat! It's true!) ...........
And therefore, she never did catch her tail. Her belly kept getting in the way!

Of cause, her ego hurt after I had the audacity to laugh at her, she felt it was time to lay on my lap for some much deserved attention. But however, Peaches feels it necessary to lay with her front paws and head towards my face, with those beautiful paws resting on the top of my stomacher. I guess the baby didn't want her there, because he immediately started kicking rolling around in there. And at first, this was a minor annoyance and after a particularly hard kick, she'd lift her head and glare. Finally, though, she could no longer stand it. I've never seen that look on her face before! Oh, she was just MAD at that darn baby. She hissed and ran under the table, where she could continue glaring in peace. And I KNOW she didn't have any catnip this morning!
Of cause,  don't let diabetes hold you back. Share stories to inspire others.

Story of me and My LOVE Cat..............

Story of me and My LOVE Cat..............

Hey! I had lived with diabetes since I was 18 and have good and bad days. When my little boy was 5 we decided we should go to the cat shelter and get a pet. The one we all fell in love with was also diabetic, I think this gave me an extra bond with her.

Of cause, it turned out somebody had dumped her because of her diabetes. I wanted to look after her and new how she must be feeling. It took a few days for us to take her home as someone from the cattery came round to ensure our house was suitable. The cattery had her prescription so I new what I needed to get. And after a few months ..........I had to start getting the insulin on line as it was much cheaper.

But I injected her twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I kept an eye on her diet and in 6 months she lost 5lb, even though she wasn’t too fat she was over weight. I could always tell if her levels were high as she looked like I felt sometimes!

Of cause,  the joy that I have had in the past 18 months with her has been amazing, I really think I have changed her life. It has also made me more aware of my diabetes, over the last few years I have got quite bad and my HbA1c had increased to 7.4, but after looking after the cat and myself better my last result was 6.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, who would have though a cat would have made me look after myself better…!!!!!!!!!!!Share stories to inspire others.